Domov / Rezultati iskanja / Winter School 2025 - Leadership Excellence

Winter School 2025 - Leadership Excellence

Vsebina programa

The Winter School 2025 - Leadership Excellence organised by the Faculty of Organisational Studies in Novo mesto, Slovenia through its International Transdisciplinary Research Centre LEAD (Leadership Excellence and Development) and Academic Research Centre (ARC) is offered to all students who wish to acquire knowledge in the field of leadership excellence and gain ECTS credits. Furthermore, the Winter School 2025 – Leadership Excellence is delevered both by academics and by invited guest speakers/leaders from different industry sectors. Through advancing the Faculty's partnership with practitioners, we also extend our invitation to the Winter School 2025 – Leadership Excellence to future and current leaders from private and public sector. In today's fast-changing world, leadership is crucial to individual and organisational development and is becoming increasingly important topic and a decisive success factor. The Winter School enables participants to: - understand the building blocks of leadership excellence which in modern times, create the key differences between average and excellent leaders and organisations, - network with excellent leaders and experts from different industry sectors, - get familair with best practices of excellent leadership, - explore ideas for continuous improvement of own leadership process and skills and - analyse case studies/cocnrete examples of leadership practices. You can apply via our website until 2025 February 3 For further information, please contact us by email at

Program je namenjen

  • Podjetniki
  • Strokovnjaki (pedagogi, andragogi, vodilni, vodstveni ...)
  • Zaposleni
  • Študenti
  • Mlajši odrasli

Način izvedbe

  • Seminar
  • Predavanje
  • e-izobraževanje
  • Drugo
  • V tujem jeziku - angleščina

Spletna stran programa


Course leader: Dr Tatjana Dragovic Andersen and assistants Credits info • Digital certificate of attendance for all participants • 6 ECTS for participants completing final assignments (passed) • Bachelor students' assessment includes a final paper with an analysis of a provided case study. • Master students' assessment includes carrying out a small-scale study. The programme is designed for both Bachelor and Master students as well as for young and expereinced professionals. Workshops, simulations and practical examples will deepen your understanding of the concepts of communication, teamwork, motivation and problem solving.


Za vpis v program ni potrebno izpolniti nobenih pogojev.

Naziv pridobljene poklicne/strokovne izobrazbe


Javna veljavnost programa

Ne, program ni javnoveljaven

Vrsta izobraževanja

Dopolnilno izobraževanje

Vsebinsko področje izobraževanja

Poslovne in upravne vede, pravo
Poslovanje in upravljanje, menedžment

Oseba za stike

Ema Husič
+386 (0)59 074 164

Naziv ustanove

Kraj izvajanja programa


Trajanje programa

Ure: 16.00 - 20.00

Termin izvedbe programa

  • 3.3.2025 - 21.3.2025 on-line
  • Marec 2025

Cena drugo

Fee info: EUR 529: Early bird registration by December 2 2024 for participants completing final assignments (passed).

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