Domov / Rezultati iskanja / AZ900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

AZ900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

Vsebina programa

About this course This course will provide foundational level knowledge on cloud concepts; core Azure services; and Azure management and governance features and tools. Audience profile This course is suitable for IT personnel who are just beginning to work with Azure. This audience wants to learn about our offerings and get hands-on experience with the product. This course primarily uses the Azure portal and command line interface to create resources and does not require scripting skills. Students in this course will gain confidence to take other role-based courses and certifications, such as Azure Administrator. This course combines lecture, demonstrations, and hands-on labs. This course will also help prepare someone for the AZ-900 exam. Prerequisites There are no prerequisites for taking this course. Familiarity with cloud computing is helpful, but isn't necessary. Moduls: Describe cloud computing Describe the benefits of using cloud services Describe cloud service types Describe the core architectural components of Azure Describe Azure compute and networking services Describe Azure storage services Describe Azure identity, access, and security Describe cost management in Azure Describe features and tools in Azure for governance and compliance Describe features and tools for managing and deploying Azure resources Describe monitoring tools in Azure Certification This training prepares you for: Exam: AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification: Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals *Certificiranje ni vključeno v ceno

Program je namenjen

  • Vsi odrasli
  • Starejši
  • Brezposelni
  • Podjetniki
  • Strokovnjaki (pedagogi, andragogi, vodilni, vodstveni ...)
  • Starši
  • Zaposleni
  • Priseljenci
  • Študenti
  • Tujci

Način izvedbe

  • Tečaj


Za vpis v program ni potrebno izpolniti nobenih pogojev.

Naziv pridobljene poklicne/strokovne izobrazbe


Javna veljavnost programa

Ne, program ni javnoveljaven

Vrsta izobraževanja

Dopolnilno izobraževanje

Vsebinsko področje izobraževanja

Informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT)
Uporaba računalnika

Kraj izvajanja programa


Trajanje programa

Ure: 9 pedagoških ur

Termin izvedbe programa

  • 20.9.2024 - 20.9.2024 Ljubljana ali online
  • 8.11.2024 - 8.11.2024 Ljubljana ali online

Cena programa

420,00 €

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